Ramblings of a Mad Piggie

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The lone hair

Right before bed time tonight, my boy called me in his room. He was up on the top bunk so i stood on the bottom and said, "What' sup?" He said, " i got one"....oh man....got what? My mind started to race. He quietly said, "I got a hair". He lifted up his arm and showed me his lone hair in his armpit. He was soo proud. I just looked at it and smiled. One ugly little strangled hair popping up. I called his dad and made him show him...i know how embarassing...but I wanted his dad in on this. He said, "now your going to just starting stinking more"....(he said it with a smile...typical dad. Here it comes. The hair, the voice changing, the mustache...oh man oh man. I feel old.

As for the girl, its a stressful week. They started learning their dance for try outs for Jamz competition. Try outs are Thursday. My stomache hurts. Her stomache hurts. Thursday can't get here any sooner.


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