Ramblings of a Mad Piggie

Monday, June 19, 2006


I'm mad. Not mad mad, but upset. I hate this about myself.

I made dinner tonight....and I expect a fucking parade. Why is that? I'm not curing cancer for Christs sake. It's just dinner. But man, does it piss me off when I actually make something and put it on the table for the family to eat and I don't get a hero's fucking welcome when they come in thru the door. Now is that selfishness? baby-ness? ridiculous? all of the above? probably.

Oldest sis had made enchiladas for A the other day and I thought that sounded really good. So after 3 calls to sis and 2 to mom, I went to the store while the girl and hubby were at softball practice and bought the fixings for dinner. The boy cut the onions and helped somewhat with the meat. It was nice, just me and him talking and cooking. NOW that I could get used too....the girl and hubby coming home late and the food was cold? Fuck that, I ain't getting used to that.


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